

Private security in Africa: from the global assemblage to the everyday. (edited with Paul Higate). Zed Books. 2017. Pp. 1-184 download here





African conflicts and informal power: Big Men and networks. Edited volume. Zed Books, 2012. pp. 1-256 download here





Navigating youth – generating adulthood: social becoming in an African context, Nordic Africa Institute Publ. (edited with Catrine Christiansen and Henrik E. Vigh), 2006. pp 1-272. download here




Sweet Battlefields: Youth and the Liberian Civil War. PhD Thesis, Department of Cultural Anthropology, Uppsala University Dissertations in Cultural Anthropology, 2003. pp. 1-288. download here


Policy publications – also open access

Beyond “Gender and Stir”: reflections on gender and SSR in the aftermath of African conflicts, NAI Policy Dialogue No. 9 – the Nordic Africa Institute (with Maria Eriksson Baaz), 2012. pp. 1-74. download here

Young female fighters in African wars: conflict and its consequences, NAI Policy Dialogue no. 3 – the Nordic Africa Institute Publ. (authored with Chris Coulter and Mariam Persson), 2008. pp. 1-51. download here

Sexual abuse survivors and the complex of traditional healing: (G)local Prospects in the Aftermath of an African War, NAI Policy Dialogue no. 4 – the Nordic Africa Institute, 2009. pp. 1-56. download here